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evil and evilness


Definitions of “evil” and “evilness”

Clarifying Terminology  

Forces of Nature considered as “evil”  

Evil perceived as a being with power to carry evil actions and/or influencing humans to act likewise

Chapter 1: Fundamental Implications of total reality

Complexity, order, structure, and goals require a Creative Mind

God, The Universal Creative Mind

God as the originator of all Creation

Chapter 2: Multiple expressions of “evil and evilness” as perceived by many to be so

Man-made wickedness expressed in Slavery

Religious Persecution


Impact of man-made suffering manifested on a Massive Scale                                            

Chapter 3: Evil as Depicted in Mythology 

Evil as Depicted in Mythology

Mythological origin of evil


Charybdis (Greek mythology)  

Egypt also had an Evil myth

Babylonian myth

In North America: The Abnaki indigenous people

The Algonquin-based Native American tribes

The Comanche creation myth of the North American indigenous people

The presence of evil in two Navajo’s creation myths


Chapter 4: Evil as interpreted by some religious leaders   

The concept of evil as interpreted by scholars in Hinduism 

Evil- evilness as found in Zoroastrianism

Evil as it appears in the Old Testament of the Bible

Evil as seen through the interpretations of the teachings of Buddhism

Summarizing what we have learned 

Chapter 5: Evil becomes Satan (the Devil)

Evil becomes an individuality with two names – the Devil or Satan

Evil defined as a ‘demon’ – or the Devil

The prince of this world

The devil and personal sin

Evil acquires a personalized name – Satan

Relative Power of Satan

Satan, the Tempter

Satan, the betrayer

Satan disguises himself as an angel of Light

Satan, the one capable of persuading to cheat and steal

Satan as the tester

Satan, the punisher

Chapter 6: Satan vs. God: the Heavenly Conflict

The origin of Satan, the former angel of light

The heavenly battle

War on humanity

Satan’s final defeat

Early Christians’ experience of Satan or the Devil

The Catholic Church’s dogmatic definition

Satan and Evil in Islamic interpretation                            

Chapter 7: The Bahá’i  Revelation explains the popular perception of evil

Creation is essentially good

A fundamental principle

Men have evil passions and desires

Men are the creators of the impact of man-made evilness

Understanding the term “Satan”

The evil one is he who does evil actions

This is how man becomes an “evil-doer”

Man, through his evil habits, can be referred to as projecting “satanic darkness”

Man is capable of the “satanic attribute” of hate

Man can be a saint as well as an “evil-doer” that carries out “satanic behaviors”

Those who do evil attempt to influence others

The impact that evil passions and corrupt desires have on man                                                        

They defile man

Evil desires of the individual can render him powerless to recognize God

Rising above the influence of the long-held concept of “evil and evilness”

Chapter 8: Man can produce long lasting destructive impacts 

Slavery: a man-made corrupt and harmful institution

Slavery in the US evolves into racism


The Drug Cartels

The evil impact of cocaine on the consumer                                                                                                                                                              

Chapter 9: A spiritual armor to help humans evolve into their divine destiny

Unity is the expression of God’s Oneness present in all creation, especially in man

Nobility of man from the moment of creation   

Unity in diversity

Universal Education

World Peace

The Lesser Peace

Creation of an international governing body

Supreme Tribunal

Signs that the process is happening

A closing reflection


God is One in His essence

Man created in a sublime state of perfection

The Baha’i Revelation offers the following principles to empower man to overcome his inclinations toward harmful actions.

APPENDIX  A: Famous films about Satan/the Devil

Modern portrayals of Satan

APPENDIX B : Outstanding individuals whose spiritual nature prevailed

Appendix C:  World Wide Civil Wars



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