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evil and evilness

Definitions of “evil” and “evilness”
Clarifying Terminology  
Forces of Nature considered as “evil”  
Evil perceived as a being with power to carry evil actions and/or influencing humans to act likewise
Chapter 1: Fundamental Implications of total reality
Complexity, order, structure, and goals require

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Dos momentos muy emotivos y poderosos enmarcan la vida de la mayoría de las personas. Una
es la emocionante experiencia de mirar al bebé recién nacido envuelto en una cálida manta con
una cara de inocencia, asombro, confianza total y necesidad de amor ilimitado para sobrevivir.

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Life Shaking Moments

life continuously offers everyone shaking moments. They are intense profound, life changing. They are traumatic-exhilarating, wonderful-questioning, hurtful-caring, malicious-magnanimous, frightening-calming, trusting-doubtful, or lovingly-hateful.
Because those events hit our emotional self, it is

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Becoming A Grand Father

Seldom does a grandfather-to-be has the mindset or energy to sit down and write to the grandchild to-be-born a series of letters telling him/her what impressions he was having while the pregnancy was evolving. Many feel that this is more the area of experience of the father-to-be when he is waiting for the arrival of […]

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What Comes Next?

Two very emotional and powerful moments seem to frame most people’s lives. One is the exhilarating experience of looking at the newborn baby swaddled in a warm blanket with a face of innocence, wonder, total trust and in need of unbound love to survive. The second experience, probably the most dramatic, is being present at […]

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Multidimensional man

Multidimensional Man Lives in a Multidimensional Reality

Is reality what we see at first glance when we observe something? This might sound as a senseless question. Obviously, what we see is real. Any object that enters in our field of perception is an objective reality that has

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God as Revealed by Baha'u'llah

God as Revealed by Baha’u’llah

Is it possible that humans can actually know God’s intimacy or Essence to the point that they can affirm that such knowledge is correct, authentic and authoritative?
No. For the simple reason that man is a created being,

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Is there an underlying, unifying factor that could give us a frame of reference to grasp into one holistic view, an explanation, a description that would give us a unifying understanding of all physical reality as well as our physical-spiritual human reality?

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